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Node.js Buffer.compare() Method

❮ Buffer Module


Check if two buffer objects are equal:

var buf1 = Buffer.from('abc');
var buf2 = Buffer.from('abc');
var x = Buffer.compare(buf1, buf2);

var buf1 = Buffer.from('a');
var buf2 = Buffer.from('b');
var x = Buffer.compare(buf1, buf2);

var buf1 = Buffer.from('b');
var buf2 = Buffer.from('a');
var x = Buffer.compare(buf1, buf2);
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Definition and Usage

The compare() method compares two buffer objects and returns a number defining their differences:

0 if they are equal
1 if buf1 is higher than buf2
-1 if buf1 is lower than buf2

This method can be used to sort arrays containing buffers.


 Buffer.compare(buf1, buf2);

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
buf1 Required. A Buffer
buf2 Required. A Buffer

Technical Details

Return Value: A number (-1, 0, or 1)
Node.js Version: 0.11.13

More Examples


Use Buffer.compare() to sort an array of buffers:

var buf1 = Buffer.from('b');
var buf2 = Buffer.from('c');
var buf3 = Buffer.from('a');
var arr = [buf1, buf2, buf3];

//The array before sorting:

//Sort the array:
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❮ Buffer Module