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Node.js Zlib Module

❮ Built-in Modules


Compress a file (demofile.txt) into a gzip file (mygzipfile.txt.gz):

var zlib = require('zlib');
var fs = require('fs');

var gzip = zlib.createGzip();
var r = fs.createReadStream('./demofile.txt');
var w = fs.createWriteStream('./mygzipfile.txt.gz');

Definition and Usage

The Zlib module provides a way of zip and unzip files.


The syntax for including the Zlib module in your application:

var zlib = require('zlib');

Zlib Properties and Methods

Method Description
constants Returns an object containing Zlib constants
createDeflate() Creates a Deflate object
createDeflateRaw() Creates a DeflateRaw object
createGunzip() Creates a Gunzip object
createGzip() Creates a Gzip object
createInflate() Creates a Inflate object
createInflateRaw() Creates a InflateRaw object
createUnzip() Creates a Unzip object
deflate() Compress a string or buffer, using Deflate
deflateSync() Compress a string or buffer, syncronously, using Deflate
deflateRaw() Compress a string or buffer, using DeflateRaw
deflateRawSync() Compress a string or buffer, syncronously, using DeflateRaw
gunzip() Compress a string or buffer, using Gunzip
gunzipSync() Compress a string or buffer, syncronously, using Gunzip
gzip() Compress a string or buffer, using Gzip
gzipSync() Compress a string or buffer, syncronously, using Gzip
inflate() Decompress a string or buffer, using Inflate
inflateSync() Decompress a string or buffer, syncronously, using Inflate
inflateRaw() Decompress a string or buffer, using InflateRaw
inflateRawSync() Decompress a string or buffer, syncronously, using InflateRaw
unzip() Decompress a string or buffer, using Unzip
unzipSync() Decompress a string or buffer, syncronously, using Unzip

❮ Built-in Modules