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HTML5 Entity Names by Alphabet - B

Older browsers may not support all the HTML5 entities in the table below.
Chrome and Opera have good support, and IE 11+ and Firefox 35+ support all the entities.

Character Entity Name Hex Dec
backcong0224C8780Try it
϶backepsilon003F61014Try it
backprime020358245Try it
backsim0223D8765Try it
backsimeq022CD8909Try it
Backslash022168726Try it
Barv02AE710983Try it
barvee022BD8893Try it
barwedge023058965Try it
bbrk023B59141Try it
bbrktbrk023B69142Try it
bcong0224C8780Try it
БBcy004111041Try it
бbcy004311073Try it
bdquo0201E8222Try it
because022358757Try it
bemptyv029B010672Try it
϶bepsi003F61014Try it
bernou0212C8492Try it
Bernoullis0212C8492Try it
ΒBeta00392914Try it
βbeta003B2946Try it
beth021368502Try it
between0226C8812Try it
𝔅Bfr1D505120069Try it
𝔟bfr1D51F120095Try it
bigcap022C28898Try it
bigcirc025EF9711Try it
bigcup022C38899Try it
bigodot02A0010752Try it
bigoplus02A0110753Try it
bigotimes02A0210754Try it
bigsqcup02A0610758Try it
bigstar026059733Try it
bigtriangledown025BD9661Try it
bigtriangleup025B39651Try it
biguplus02A0410756Try it
bigvee022C18897Try it
bigwedge022C08896Try it
bkarow0290D10509Try it
blacklozenge029EB10731Try it
blacksquare025AA9642Try it
blacktriangle025B49652Try it
blacktriangledown025BE9662Try it
blacktriangleleft025C29666Try it
blacktriangleright025B89656Try it
blank024239251Try it
blk12025929618Try it
blk14025919617Try it
blk34025939619Try it
block025889608Try it
=⃥bne0003D 020E5Try it
≡⃥bnequiv02261 020E5Try it
bNot02AED10989Try it
bnot023108976Try it
𝔹Bopf1D539120121Try it
𝕓bopf1D553120147Try it
bot022A58869Try it
bottom022A58869Try it
bowtie022C88904Try it
boxbox029C910697Try it
boxDL025579559Try it
boxDl025569558Try it
boxdL025559557Try it
boxdl025109488Try it
boxDR025549556Try it
boxDr025539555Try it
boxdR025529554Try it
boxdr0250C9484Try it
boxH025509552Try it
boxh025009472Try it
boxHD025669574Try it
boxHd025649572Try it
boxhD025659573Try it
boxhd0252C9516Try it
boxHU025699577Try it
boxHu025679575Try it
boxhU025689576Try it
boxhu025349524Try it
boxminus0229F8863Try it
boxplus0229E8862Try it
boxtimes022A08864Try it
boxUL0255D9565Try it
boxUl0255C9564Try it
boxuL0255B9563Try it
boxul025189496Try it
boxUR0255A9562Try it
boxUr025599561Try it
boxuR025589560Try it
boxur025149492Try it
boxV025519553Try it
boxv025029474Try it
boxVH0256C9580Try it
boxVh0256B9579Try it
boxvH0256A9578Try it
boxvh0253C9532Try it
boxVL025639571Try it
boxVl025629570Try it
boxvL025619569Try it
boxvl025249508Try it
boxVR025609568Try it
boxVr0255F9567Try it
boxvR0255E9566Try it
boxvr0251C9500Try it
bprime020358245Try it
˘Breve002D8728Try it
˘breve002D8728Try it
¦brvbar000A6166Try it
Bscr0212C8492Try it
𝒷bscr1D4B7119991Try it
bsemi0204F8271Try it
bsim0223D8765Try it
bsime022CD8909Try it
\bsol0005C92Try it
bsolb029C510693Try it
bsolhsub027C810184Try it
bull020228226Try it
bullet020228226Try it
bump0224E8782Try it
bumpE02AAE10926Try it
bumpe0224F8783Try it
Bumpeq0224E8782Try it
bumpeq0224F8783Try it